Thankful Pumpkin Project

It’s November – the month of Thanksgiving – and I’ve started seeing the “30 days of thankfulness” posts on Facebook. It made me think about doing some kind of daily thankful project with the kiddos, but I wasn’t sure what exactly. I thought about making a paper tree on the wall and adding leaves every day with things we are thankful for, but I couldn’t find a wall to use. Then I thought about just doing a simple thankful jar, but I wanted to be able to easily see what was written. It wasn’t until I happened to go out the front door of our house (as opposed to the garage which I always use) that I remembered our non-carved pumpkins from Halloween. Bingo! I brought the medium-sized one inside to warm up to room temperature, got out a black Sharpie marker, and our Thankful Pumpkin was born 🙂
Every night around the dinner table, each person says one thing he/she is thankful for, and I write it on the pumpkin. When Thanksgiving rolls around, we will have quite the full pumpkin for our centerpiece! This is such a simple activity that everyone in the family can participate in, so run outside to grab a leftover Halloween pumpkin and start your own Thankful Pumpkin!
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, the first night of doing this, our thankful list included Nellie (our cat), eyeballs, toilet paper, and our house….this is going to be an interesting pumpkin!