Family Game Night
Our family loves playing board games! Before kids, Sam and I played many games after dinner – Bananagrams, Ticket to Ride, Yahtzee, and Farkle Frenzy were a few of our favs. Then Eli was born and who wants to play a game only to be interrupted every 5 minutes?!? So, our gaming took a hiatus until Eli was old enough for Candy Land. Thankfully, both kids (Eli more than Ava right now) LOVE playing games and are just as excited as I am for “Friday Family Game Night.” Pizza + board games = memories 🙂 This is Eli’s current game of choice: Peaceable Kingdom Race to the Treasure! Award Winning Beat the Ogre Cooperative Game for Kids

The beauty of this game?!? It’s a COOPERATIVE game, so there are no individual winners or losers – all players work together to defeat the game. Hallelujah! Finally someone developed a game who must have a child like mine. The anticipation of knowing what happens when Eli loses a game is enough to give me a heart attack during family game night, even though I’m well aware the only way to teach him how to lose gracefully is to continue playing games where he might lose. So, it’s awfully nice to throw this game into the mix of UNO and Checkers, knowing we will win or lose together!
Anyways, the object of the game is to collect 3 of the 4 keys and make it to the treasure at the end before you collect 8 ogres. Players take turns drawing path cards and must decide how to arrange them so you collect the keys along the way to the treasure. If you turn over an Ogre card instead of a path, that goes in the Ogre column. It’s an easy to understand game, takes about 10 minutes maximum start to finish, and like I said, everyone either wins or loses together. We’ve played this game no less than a dozen times over the past couple days and no matter if we win or lose, Eli is always eager to play again….which means I’m eager to play again….which means Friday Family Game Night just got a whole lot more peaceful 🙂